What's our goal...
Quirky by name, quirky by nature, quirky by design.
AmQuirky aims to create accessible art and appeal
to those who need fun, colourful and original merchandise.
We live by the principle AmQuirky, You’re Quirky, WE’RE
If you fancy knowing more about us ....read on.

Who is AmQuirky?
My hubby and I are all about being quirky and accepting it, and showing what quirky is and what quirky can do.
I’ve dabbled with creating ‘art’ for many years but never had the confidence or, if I am truly honest, the courage and motivation to put myself out there and let people see my designs. Much of my doodling has been inspired by family and friends (human and animal).
My wee book on amazon – ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ was created for my nephews and nieces.
If you look at my personal Instagram its mainly my local area, places I love, my very quirky Husband and our insane zoo.
So, why start an online store now…
Well folks, like so many we have been hit not just by Covid, but by some really, and I mean really bad luck. I won’t bore you with the details but suffice to say… greedy roofing company has duped us into giving them all our savings and leaving us with no roof in return and no way of paying for it all to be fixed.
This means our dreams of running our Airbnb have been put on hold and we’ve had to look at ways to save and make money to fix our rather leaky roof. Cue lots of anxiety ridden sobbing, fist waving anger, which has now evolved into some determined optimism. These days optimism and hope are really needed.
So here we are… gulp... I’m putting myself out there to see if anyone wants to buy my knickknacks and thingamabobs.

"Boys on the side" or "Neon Mirror" collection
Currently working on this collection
Many, many moons ago I was fortunate enough to receive the best birthday gift ever. As an avid fan of Americas Next Top Model, my fantabulous husband arranged me a day’s photoshoot. The twist being that I was the photographer for the day with six models, a make up artist, a stylist and the whole kit and caboodle. The even bigger twist was the four male models were in their birthday suits and the two beautiful female models were expertly styled in an array of awesome outfits.
Well, I got some amazing ‘arty’ shots not rude ones! They have adorned our walls for years now. Now I am looking at turning them into some wall art as well as garments, calendars and mugs… so look out for this collection. Still not made up my mind what to call it...
These pictures have a neon effect and will probably be printed on aluminium.... keep an eye out as I'm still playing and not sure when I'll get this done - soon I hope.